Saturday, 27 February 2016

Alpha Series Folding Transom

Sandy from Portabote just sent me this animated gif file to demonstrated just how the transom folds.

Alpha Series Folding Transom

This folding transom overcomes storage and transport issues for the transom as it is now incorporated permanently in with the hull.
Additionally as Sandy points out, now there are 20 less components necessary to install the transom (Screw, washer, rubber washer, washer and then a wing nut X 4)

This I feel is a great innovation for the Portabote Alpha Series.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Transducer bracket for Fish Finder

Some may be wondering how to mount their transducer on their PortaBote so I decided to add some pictures to show what I have done.
I was given a suction cup by my brother's father in law and decided to give it a go.

Picture of transducer bracket
Completed transducer bracket

I wondered at first whether or not the cup would hold but it has never fallen off in 7 years.
The transducer is also supported by the rivet at the bottom of the bladder via a hole drilled in the bracket.
This prevents horizontal movement of the bracket when under way.

The cup sticks to the bladder quite well. It is available from a number of suppliers. A quick Google search for "transducer suction cup" should show you where in your area.

You can see the hole better in the picture below. The bracket is made from aluminium.

Support hole in bracket.